Product Description
Abrasive for polishing stones - 600 Grit.
Use this very fine silicone carbide grit as your fourth and final step of tumbling stones, then follow up with each grit from coarsest to finest (80, 220, 400, 600). Finish up with Zinc Oxide, or Burnishing B Liquid as optional polishing steps.
How to use:
- Make sure your tumbler barrel and end caps are completely clean - they should be totally free from grit and rock fragments to prevent leaks. It’s advisable to have a separate barrel per grit, as a few granules of a coarse grit in a fine grit tumbling stage could prevent your stones getting smoother, and could cause odd scratches.
- After tumbling, pour contents into a sieve or colander over a plastic bucket, and rinse off every speck of grit and mud. Do NOT pour the mud and grit down your household drain, as it can clog pipes.
Includes 225g.