IMPORTANT! For proper and safe firing, please read this sheet thoroughly before starting.
1. Dry
Before firing, your piece must be completely dry. Dry it naturally, in a warm space, for more than a day, or with a hairdryer for at least 20 minutes.
2. Trace outline
To check if your piece has been successfully fired, trace the outline of the unfired piece on a sheet of paper. Compare the fired piece with the traced size - Art Clay Silver contracts 8-10% in volume after firing so you should see a slight shrinkage.
3. Prepare bowl
To cool off the fired piece, prepare a bowl of water. The bowl should be made of stainless steel or glass.
4. Check glow
Place the stainless steel net over the burner. Make sure the stainless steel net is balanced and secure. Turn on the burner and find the hottest area of the net by its red glow. Turn it off.
5. Place on net
Immediately place the piece on the hottest part of the net using a pair of tweezers. If you have a protective net, place this over your piece.
6. Fire
Turn the burner back on. The piece will flame for a few seconds as the binder in the clay burns off. Soon the piece will begin to glow. It is easer to see this if you dim the lights. Fire for 5 minutes. For safety, don’t move, or touch, your piece or the net.
7. Cool
After firing for 5 minutes, turn off the burner and let the piece cool on the net for about 15 minutes. If you try to remove the piece before it is cool it may stick to the net. When the piece is cool it will easily detach from the net.
8. Quench
After cooling for 15 minutes, pick up the piece with tweezers and dip it into water to cool it completely.
9. Dry
Dry the piece with a clean towel.
10. Check size
Check the size of the fired piece against the outline of the unfired piece. If it hasn’t contracted, the piece has not been successfully fired. Repeat steps 5 – 8.
10. Polish
Brush your piece with a stainless steel brush to bring out the silver shine. You can also tumble it with some stainless steel shot, or polish with fine grit abrasive paper.
For a high polish, start with 600 grit, move up to 1000 and finish with 1200 or 2000 grit. Finish with metal polish.
Q. Comparing a gas hob to an electric kiln or butane gas torch firing, is there any difference on contraction?
A. There shouldn’t be much difference among the firing methods done correctly. The contraction may vary with the volume of Art Clay Silver you use.
Q. Will a proper temperature be attained for firing Art Clay Silver with a gas hob?
A. Yes, if your cooking gas hob is able to generate a capacity of 2.9kW (2900 calories) and you use the recommended stainless steel net.